Client Feedback

Read some of our clients’ feedback on Center For Happiness healing and services.

I cannot believe that with just four class sessions there are so many changes! It's not at all what I expected…
God's presence is so clear here… Even just listening to my body is completely new!
--Yoga Student, 50

It's amazing how deeply Kundalini yoga touches us on so many different levels! I'm constantly amazed and
in awe of the power of this "tool of transformation." Kundalini yoga helps to access those issues and
struggles in a very immediate way; to open up our hearts (which get so shut down!) and touch our true
humanity. I feel I could go on and on about Kundalini yoga, how amazing it is and what a wonderful and
gifted teacher you are! I really enjoy the sharing time after Sunday classes with our yogi tea and cookies.
--Yoga Student, 30s

Thank you for all of your help. It feels uncanny that each week seems to somehow address what's going
on for me, but I think it's more likely that what it's really about is that we are all the same, and all go
through the same types of experiences...we just forget sometimes and think we are alone.
--Yoga Student, 30s

I am more than happy to share my experience that speaks to the beautiful gifts Helena shares with her
clients. Being at the crossroad with a number of changes in my 40-something life, I sought Helena's advice
as a new perspective compared to the "same old story" rambling around in my brain.

What Helena gently uncovered, much to my surprise, was a long-term issue that had been shoved under
the rug for many years. For the next 12 months, I sought out Helena's guidance on a regular basis to help
me find my way in ending a long-term marriage and exploring my spiritual growth that has helped me
start my new life.Through it all, I have come to trust Helena with my broken emotional life and fragile
spirit. She always delivers her insights with love and gentleness, yet her information is always clear and
specific. To know and embrace Helena's insights is to better know and love yourself.
--Anon. client, professional, 40s

From the moment I met Helena, she carried instant credibility… Helena has changed my life in a very
positive way. But her impact on me reaches far beyond my small sphere of influence in Minnesota. My
family, too, has felt the power of her insights and suggestions -- they live 2500 miles away. Through
Helena, I have been able to share new insights, change my own attitudes and instill a sense of optimism
and goodwill to others far beyond… the Midwest.
--Joe Andrews